Common Sense Tips to Stay Young

It seems that everyone has their “Anti-Aging” tips to look and feel your best. Comedian George Burns opined on aging: “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” This simple quote has a lot of wisdom. Let’s unpack it:

Feeling good at any age is an optimum goal. Modern science has certainly helped extend the length and quality of our life, but it needs a little help from us! Here are a few tips:

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  1. Community: We are all social animals; we need people to share life with – friends, family, or playing bingo. I would consider this “psychological health” – feeding the mind as well as the body.
  2. Sleep & Activity: Sleep can be the most underrated activity that contributes to our health and well-being. On average, we need 6-8 hours per day (Einstein slept 10 hours a day with catnaps in between). Sleep coupled with exercise is a great prescription. They say, move, move and then move some more. Staying active whether it is playing sports, exercising, or simply walking will give you more energy and make you feel better. Plus, it will help keep the weight down.
  3. Diet: “You are what you eat” is obvious, but it’s what we eat that can affect our life and lifestyle. In the age of choices, junk food, and endless self-help diets, we all have a barometer of what is good (and bad) for us. Perhaps moderation is a key to good health or willpower. As Mr. Miyagi famously quipped, “Daniel-san, seek the balance.”
  4. Supplements: Sometimes we just can’t eat enough spinach or cod liver oil to get the essential vitamins we need for optimum health. Doctors and nutritionists recommend supplements to give the body that extra boost or replace deficiencies, such as taking an alphabet vitamin (i.e., B, C, D, K, etc.), a collagen powder or an NMN tablet – but as always, consult with your medical professional.
  5. Doctor as BFF: Cars need mechanics, plants need watering, and humans need doctors. Regular check-ups or physicals will keep you tuned and hopefully preempt a more serious illness and give you a gauge or reality check on how you are progressing through life.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

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