Health Benefits from Zinc Supplementation

Superior Source Zinc Plus supplement

By Janette Leon Speyer

Zinc is crucial for various functions in the body. Besides supporting the immune system, it enables the body to make proteins, contributes to wound healing, and plays a role in childhood growth and development. It also has antioxidant properties.
Many foods such as beans, meats, and fish have Zinc. It is also available as a supplement like Superior Source Zinc Plus. Adult women need 8 milligrams per day and men 11 mg, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Here are some of Superior Source Zinc’s health benefits:

1. May Help Boost the Immune System

Our body needs zinc for the immune system to work properly. Low levels of zinc can increase the risk of infections.
Vitamin C and zinc play important roles in providing nutrition and immune defense. Researchers suspect that taking zinc when you’re sick, or just before, may help shorten the duration of illness or stop you from getting sick.

2. Wound Healing

Zinc contains anti-inflammatory properties and plays a role in maintaining healthy skin. People with long-term wounds or ulcers sometimes have low zinc levels. Healthcare professionals may recommend zinc supplements for people with persistent wounds.
A 2018 study notes that zinc plays a key role in every stage of wound healing, from skin repair to preventing infections. The authors call for more studies to identify precisely how zinc works in healing wounds.

3. Chronic Disease

Research suggests that zinc may help prevent metabolic syndrome. Further studies are needed to identify how zinc affects health and to see whether supplementation might be useful as a therapy.
Zinc has antioxidant properties. It may help reduce oxidative stress. Scientists believe that there is a link between oxidative stress and diseases, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

4. The Common Cold

Studies suggest that zinc lozenges may help shorten the duration of a cold. Taking zinc lozenges within 24 hours of first feeling cold symptoms may shorten its duration by a day or two. Speak with a doctor before using supplements that contain zinc.

5. Promotes a Healthy Heart and Blood Vessels

An analysis published in Nutrition & Metabolism found that supplementing with various dosages of zinc aided with a number of factors related to heart health, including lowering total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. Another published in Nutrition Research and Practice found a higher zinc intake was associated with lower systolic blood pressure. The researchers weren’t sure why zinc has this effect, however, more studies are needed. While researchers say more studies may be needed, it seems that zinc supplementation could help your heart.

Available on or your favorite online health store.

6. NO Pills to Swallow!

Over 30% of people hate swallowing pills, no matter the size. Superior Source Vitamins and minerals are micro-tablets and dissolve instantly under the tongue for quicker and better absorption (doesn’t degrade in your stomach acids), with NO pills to swallow or water needed. Plus they are GMO-Free, with no added sugars, preservatives, dyes, or excessive fillers – just like nature intended.

When taking this or any other supplement, be sure to consult your healthcare provider to get a recommendation that fits your health history. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Superior Source products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease