Good Health

Vitamins To Help Your Vision

As an optometrist with my own business, I’m often asked by my patients which vitamins and supplements if any, they can take to help their vision. When talking with patients who request this type of information, we discuss both the types of supplements and vitamins they take as well as the types of foods they consume to get an idea of how I might be able to help patients maintain the health and comfort of their eyes.

For the Love of Family, a “Superior” Vitamin Was Created

  For the Love of Family, a “Superior” Vitamin Was Created As a young man Ron Beckenfeld, the owner of Superior Source Vitamins, was into fitness, always worked out, and wanted

5 Tips to Get and Stay Healthy this Fall

5 Tips to Get and Stay Healthy this Fall By Stacey Chillemi With the arrival of the cold and the shorter duration of the days, we change many of our lifestyle

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